CATCHING FIRE, BECOMING FLAME: A Guide for Spiritual Transformation


Albert Haase, OFM - CATCHING FIRE, BECOMING FLAME: A Guide for Spiritual TransformationEver wonder how some people become enthusiastic and on fire about their relationship with God? In thirty-three short chapters, Albert Haase gives you the tools and kindling to prepare for the spark of God in your life — and then shows you how to fan it into flame until you are set ablaze. This book glows with time-tested wisdom as an experienced spiritual director shares the secrets of the saints.

Feel cold? Or maybe just smoldering? With supplemental reading suggestions and reflection questions, this eminently practical book functions like a personal, spiritual retreat.

You can watch Catholic TV of Boston’s 7-minute interview with Fr. Albert about this book here.

This book can be purchased at, Barnes and Noble, or

“Fr. Albert has the unique ability to grab one’s attention and not let go until you realize you’ve discovered something very profound. He’s an amazing storyteller and preacher who will help you discover the embers of the spiritual life that are smoldering deep within, just waiting to be set ablaze by God with the help of this spiritual master. Catching Fire, Becoming Flame provides essential and inspirational insights about the spiritual life that are guaranteed to set you on fire with love.”

— Don Schneider
Director of Evangelization & Catechesis
Archdiocese of Denver, CO