CATCHING FIRE, BECOMING FLAME: A Guide for Spiritual Transformation

Based upon his bestselling book by the same title as well as his workshop on spirituality, Fr. Albert discusses six important aspects of the spiritual life including:


* Session 1: The Spiritual Journey as a Process of Transformation

* Session 2: Having a Healthy Image of God

* Session 3: Principles of Prayer

* Session 4: The Examen

* Session 5: Decision-Making and Discernment

* Session 6: The Challenge of Forgiveness

Each of the six presentations in this DVD series is approximately 30 minutes in length and can be used as a follow-up for the newly baptized in an RCIA program, by adult faith formation groups, or by individuals who seek to deepen their spiritual lives at home. Christians of all denominations have found it enriching.

Watch the first 30-minute presentation below:

You can watch Catholic TV of Boston’s 7-minute interview with Fr. Albert about this DVD here.

Want to know where the title of the book and DVD series comes from? Watch the one minute video below:

This DVD can be purchased at or

“Catching Fire, Becoming Flame by Fr. Albert Haase, OFM is Christian spirituality at its finest: bold, vibrant, and down-to-earth. After reading the book and watching this DVD series, you’ll understand why Fr. Albert is invited all over North America to share his Franciscan wit and spiritual wisdom.”

— Rev. Thomas Fowler, pastor
St. Mary’s Church,
Miramichi, New Brunswick, Canada