COME, FOLLOW ME: Six Responses to the Call of Jesus

Down through the ages, people have responded in various ways to the invitation of Jesus to follow him. Some of those responses have attracted followers and sparked new and rich spiritual traditions.

In this DVD, Albert Haase, OFM, scholar of Christian spirituality, highlights six of the most vital spiritual traditions in the history of the Church:


* Session 1: Benedictines

* Session 2: Cistercians

* Session 3: Carmelites

* Session 4: Dominicans

* Session 5: Franciscans

* Session 6: Jesuits

Each 30-minute presentation begins with an authentic follower of the tradition briefly talking about its contemporary relevance. Then, Fr. Albert offers insights into the founder, the characteristics, and famous followers of that tradition. You’ll discover some time-tested wisdom that will shape your own response to Jesus’s invitation. A simple Discussion Guide offering a format for six different 90-minute group experiences is included for adult faith formation programs.

Watch the first 5 minutes of the first presentation below:

You can watch Catholic TV of Boston’s short 6 minute interview with Fr. Albert about this DVD here.

This DVD can be purchased from or