In the past, I have taught courses and offered workshops on the spiritual teachings of great figures and movements in the history of Christian spirituality. Recently, I have begun to focus my teaching on important and critical topics in the spiritual lives of ordinary people.
Some of these topics include:
The Spiritual Journey: A Process of Transformation
Defining Your Personal Spirituality: 15 Building Blocks
The True Self: 10 Characteristics of Who God Calls Us to Be
The False Self: The Lie and Illusion of the 8 Empty “P’s”
Growth in Freedom: Breaking Free From the Slavery to the False Self’s Agenda
Images of God: The Key to Healthy and Unhealthy Spiritual Growth
The Challenge of the Ego: How We Ease God Out of Our Lives
Making Sense of Suffering: Surviving in the Midst of the Storm
Forgiveness: The Revolutionary Challenge of Jesus
The Examen: Rummaging for God in Daily Life
Resisting Temptations: “It’s Only the Devil!”
Seven Principles of Prayer: A Heart-to-Heart Conversation
Lectio Divina: Praying with Scripture and Works of Art
Present to the Presence: The Prayer of Awareness
Living in the Present Moment: A Sacrament and Ambassador
Discernment: Listening to Your Life
Discernment II: A Wise Decision or God’s Will?
Dryness, Darkness, Desolation, Depression: Navigating the Spiritual “D’s”
The Attitude of Gratitude:The Best Get-Rich-Quick Scheme
The Heart of the Spiritual Life: From Self-Reflection to Self-Emptying
I have offered these topics as a Workshop on Spirituality to various groups of people including laity, post-RCIA Mystagogia groups, religious and clergy.